Mobile WiMAX

Broadcasting With WiMAX

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Broadcasting With WiMAX

Mobile WiMAX can be the most innovative solution for Broadcasting and Web 2.0 applications

Both broadcasting and   mobile web access are at very important crossroads today. The sector is rife with many developments which are of relatively recent origin. In the field of broadcasting, these include the transition to digital broadcasting, HDTV,IPTV  and mobile TV as being some of the more visible facets. However much larger forces are work in transforming the network architectures and consumer behavior which incessantly  modifying  the manner in which broadcasting will need to be handled in the immediate future. The emergence of IPTV as a result of IP networks becoming capable of carrying video services with desired quality is just one example. Mobile Web access is at the same time undergoing a metamorphosis of its own. It is seeking out technologies which take it to the next level of connected applications with multimedia, collaborative group interactions, secure and structured transactions, 3D and location based information being the prime denominators of new applications. It so happens that the new technologies ushered in by Mobile WiMAX with its open architecture, high speed wireless connectivity with QoS, IPv6  and mobile IP in the core networks meet just these requirements of new generation of mobile web applications. If this was not enough, the targets of both, broadcasting and mobile web services are increasingly the very same device: a mobile handset connected to wireless and mobile networks.

The technologies of mobile WiMAX  being an ideal  vehicle for a new generation of mobile web applications are  being supplemented by a simultaneous shift in consumer behavior. The major change in the consumer behavior can be very briefly summarized as a  strong move towards mobility. The mobility is of devices as well as applications. The  3 billion mobile phones, increasing wireless access  ( over 100,000 WiFi hotspots) and media becoming mobile by virtue of large memories which can be incorporated in the smallest of devices( 80GB iPods™ and iPhone™) is a manifestation of mobility. This  coupled with the availability of Web 2.0 services including online commerce , connectivity services such as RSS feeds, Blog lines  and online communities such as MySpace™ are  paradigms  which tend make more and more people use media related services from mobile devices in addition to fixed or wireline devices at  home.
